
हाम्रो ज्ञान तथा सिकाइहरू बाँडफाड गर्ने साधारण प्रकृतिको ब्लग।

A JavaScript Utility to easily convert string to Nepali locale

A JavaScript Utility to easily convert string to Nepali locale

Meet @danfebooks/nepalinumbers v 1.0.0

A JavaScript utility to convert English integers into Nepali integers and useful strings with week and month names in the Nepali locale.

We at the danfebooks engineering team often find ourselves going to Google translate or similar websites to convert just a few characters and numbers into Nepali locale.

And then if you have to do it programmatically, the momentjs or other heavyweight plugins are the only options.

We wanted a simple, and yet an intuitive solution. We developed our small utility function that can help achieve both goals - quick and programming API. We are happy to share this utility as MIT licensed open-source package.

Read more about options and examples at Github repo - https://github.com/danfebooks/nepalinumbers

Do submit your issues if you found one.